Monday, September 13, 2010

Wear Your Baby, It's the "In" Thing To Do

Babywearing is becoming more and more popular among new mothers, and wraps, slings, carriers and backpacks are flying off of retailers shelves as the "must have" accessory.  They come in every color, fabric and style you can imagine.  Some crafty mama's are even making there own!  Yes, wearing your baby is a new phenomenon...or is it?

Baby wearing has been practiced for centuries around the world primarily in African, Asian and Middle Eastern countries.  In recent years it has become the chosen way of baby transport but there is so much more to the art of baby wearing! Babywearing is a form of attachment parenting.  Besides the convenience of wearing your baby the many other benefits are:

  • Promotes growth and development
  • Babies are less fussy and happier overall (wonderful for babies with colic or GERD)
  • Provides instant exercise for you
  • Many carriers can be used up to a maximum weight of 40 pounds.  Great for your toddler!
  • Fosters communication and bonding between you and your baby
  • Great for fathers, grandparents and caregivers alike
  • Wonderful for twins!
  • Safe and economical
  • Tons of fun!

There are a few things to take into consideration when looking for a carrier.  Being that there are so many styles available on the market, you must first decide which one will work best for your body type and lifestyle.  I tend to recommend wraps, as they are able to form to any size and shape.  The fabrics are machine washable and long lasting.  Moby Wraps are my favorite!  I am also a retailer and have many available!  So contact me if you are looking for one. OK, so back to choosing the correct one for you.  Your height and build, ease of usage, comfort, your baby's age and lastly material.  A great place to start your search is via the internet.  Narrow your selections down to 3 and then you can find a retailer and finally make your decision. 

Now you can be part of the "in" crowd!