Sunday, August 29, 2010

HELP!!!....I Have A New Baby!

Your husband/partner has returned to work, the grandparents have left you to be a mom to your new baby, your neighbors are no longer bringing over those aromatic baskets filled with delicious home cooked goodies and your best girlfriend has just started a new job.  You look down to the little being in your arms, who's suckling from your breast and you want to scream...HELP, CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT I AM TO DO WITH THIS LITTLE PERSON?!!  No worries.  Did you know that there is a birthing professional out there that does exactly that?  She is called a Postpartum Doula and she is here to save the day!

Here is a step by step guide on how to find a Postpartum Doula in your area and the many benefits to having one...
How to Select a Postpartum Doula: A 5 Step Guide

Let me know your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article! Provides a good list of questions to ask a postpartum doula - some of these questions need to be asked to our doctors!
