Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Your Nappy Baby's Hair!

Yes, I said it!  Nappy, Nappy, Nappy!  The word that so many of us found offensive growing up.  Oh, what a horrible thing it was to have nappy hair!  I remember sitting in my grandmother's kitchen as a child, in front of the stove as my mother took the smoking hot pressing comb off the flame and ran it through my nappy hair until it was bone straight.  The grease in my hair sizzling all the way.  Then came the jherri curl and finally the relaxer as I reached my teen years.  What a torturous cycle my hair was put through.  But as we know, it doesn't stop there.

The fact that we alter our appearance and that of our girls from a very young age sends one message loud and clear...I'm not good enough, so I must change to be good enough!  It wasn't until I was in my early 20's that I felt comfortable enough with myself to shed the layers of relaxers, press and curls, weaves and the like and let my natural hair shine.  Now, I will say that going natural was a big step for me but one that I'm glad I took and will never go back to days gone by.  I've gone from loose natural hair to locs and now back to loose natural hair, loving each strand of nappy hair more and more as the days fly by.

So, how does this relate to that blooming bundle of joy you have in your belly or those babies to come?  Well, the answer is simple.  First you must embrace yourself as you are.  Nappy hair, melanin filled skin, wide nose, full lips, wide hips and round butt!  Once you've learned to love yourself you can then teach your beautiful brown baby girl to love herself or teach your handsome prince to love and respect his culture and appearance so that he will grow up and see the natural beauty in himself along the ethnic women around him.  Teach your baby to LOVE HER HAIR!  It all begins with you!

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