Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Your Nappy Baby's Hair!

Yes, I said it!  Nappy, Nappy, Nappy!  The word that so many of us found offensive growing up.  Oh, what a horrible thing it was to have nappy hair!  I remember sitting in my grandmother's kitchen as a child, in front of the stove as my mother took the smoking hot pressing comb off the flame and ran it through my nappy hair until it was bone straight.  The grease in my hair sizzling all the way.  Then came the jherri curl and finally the relaxer as I reached my teen years.  What a torturous cycle my hair was put through.  But as we know, it doesn't stop there.

The fact that we alter our appearance and that of our girls from a very young age sends one message loud and clear...I'm not good enough, so I must change to be good enough!  It wasn't until I was in my early 20's that I felt comfortable enough with myself to shed the layers of relaxers, press and curls, weaves and the like and let my natural hair shine.  Now, I will say that going natural was a big step for me but one that I'm glad I took and will never go back to days gone by.  I've gone from loose natural hair to locs and now back to loose natural hair, loving each strand of nappy hair more and more as the days fly by.

So, how does this relate to that blooming bundle of joy you have in your belly or those babies to come?  Well, the answer is simple.  First you must embrace yourself as you are.  Nappy hair, melanin filled skin, wide nose, full lips, wide hips and round butt!  Once you've learned to love yourself you can then teach your beautiful brown baby girl to love herself or teach your handsome prince to love and respect his culture and appearance so that he will grow up and see the natural beauty in himself along the ethnic women around him.  Teach your baby to LOVE HER HAIR!  It all begins with you!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wear Your Baby, It's the "In" Thing To Do

Babywearing is becoming more and more popular among new mothers, and wraps, slings, carriers and backpacks are flying off of retailers shelves as the "must have" accessory.  They come in every color, fabric and style you can imagine.  Some crafty mama's are even making there own!  Yes, wearing your baby is a new phenomenon...or is it?

Baby wearing has been practiced for centuries around the world primarily in African, Asian and Middle Eastern countries.  In recent years it has become the chosen way of baby transport but there is so much more to the art of baby wearing! Babywearing is a form of attachment parenting.  Besides the convenience of wearing your baby the many other benefits are:

  • Promotes growth and development
  • Babies are less fussy and happier overall (wonderful for babies with colic or GERD)
  • Provides instant exercise for you
  • Many carriers can be used up to a maximum weight of 40 pounds.  Great for your toddler!
  • Fosters communication and bonding between you and your baby
  • Great for fathers, grandparents and caregivers alike
  • Wonderful for twins!
  • Safe and economical
  • Tons of fun!

There are a few things to take into consideration when looking for a carrier.  Being that there are so many styles available on the market, you must first decide which one will work best for your body type and lifestyle.  I tend to recommend wraps, as they are able to form to any size and shape.  The fabrics are machine washable and long lasting.  Moby Wraps are my favorite!  I am also a retailer and have many available!  So contact me if you are looking for one. OK, so back to choosing the correct one for you.  Your height and build, ease of usage, comfort, your baby's age and lastly material.  A great place to start your search is via the internet.  Narrow your selections down to 3 and then you can find a retailer and finally make your decision. 

Now you can be part of the "in" crowd!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Salad Lovers Dream! PIZZA!!

That's right, a pizza that even the biggest salad lover will enjoy!  To top it off, it's super easy to make and the kids will love it, even though it has a leafy green vegetables on  My twins called it the "Incredible Hulk" pizza! Pregnant and nursing mama's will really enjoy this pizza knowing that they are getting all of their necessary nutrients in one place.

I came up with this recipe one day while cleaning out my refrigerator.  Ha!  I find that most of my recipes come to me while in the midst of this chore.  Maybe I should clean it out more often so that I can get my cookbook together!

Ok, so the recipe is as follows:
  • 1 pre-packaged whole wheat pizza crust, 12 inch
  • 1 bunch of kale, roughly chopped and massaged with olive oil until wilted (about 5-7 minutes)
  • 3 oz package of moistened sun dried tomato halves
  • 1/2 cup vidalia onion, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup feta cheese
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
  • 1/2 cup fresh tomato puree (1 large tomato should do), season with salt and pepper
  • 2 tsp olive oil
*All of these ingredients can be found at your local organic or farmers market*

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place pizza crust on a non-stick baking sheet and rub with 1 tsp olive oil.  Spoon tomato puree over the crust leaving a 1 inch brim around the outer edges.  Sprinkle a layer of mozzarella cheese, followed by the kale.  Now take your sun dried tomato halves and onions and place on top of the kale.  Finish with the feta and parmesan cheeses and drizzle of remaining olive oil.  Bake for 12-15 minutes or until crust is golden brown.  Cool for 5 minutes and enjoy!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Breastfeeding During Your Baby's 1st Weeks of Life....

You've seen women do it and heard much about it but the perplexing question in your mind is, how do I do this and do it effectively?  Breast is best, and while it's been a time tested and honored way of nourishing your baby, modern times have definitely blurred the art of breastfeeding with the constant images of formula, bottles, pacifiers and the like.

3 keys to a successful breastfeeding experience are:
  • A willingness to learn
  • Education on breastfeeding and it's benefits
  • Support in your decision to breastfeed
Getting off to a great start begins shortly after the birth of your baby and continues for the first few weeks of his/her life.  Once you make it through what I affectionately call the "New Ninnie" stage (4-6 weeks postpartum), it's easy breezy from there! 

Here are some pointers on how to be the success you wish to be in breastfeeding your precious bundle of joy...

How To Breastfeed During The First Weeks of Your Baby's Life

Sunday, August 29, 2010

HELP!!!....I Have A New Baby!

Your husband/partner has returned to work, the grandparents have left you to be a mom to your new baby, your neighbors are no longer bringing over those aromatic baskets filled with delicious home cooked goodies and your best girlfriend has just started a new job.  You look down to the little being in your arms, who's suckling from your breast and you want to scream...HELP, CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT I AM TO DO WITH THIS LITTLE PERSON?!!  No worries.  Did you know that there is a birthing professional out there that does exactly that?  She is called a Postpartum Doula and she is here to save the day!

Here is a step by step guide on how to find a Postpartum Doula in your area and the many benefits to having one...
How to Select a Postpartum Doula: A 5 Step Guide

Let me know your thoughts!